Gabriela Inés Corbo (Gaby Corbo)

gabriela ines corbo gaby corbo

Life is a constant pursuit of balance within imbalance.

Known by her stage name “Gaby Corbo,” she is a multi-talented artist, excelling as an actress, acrobat, clown, and circus theater teacher.

In 1996, Gaby embarked on her professional journey in Argentina at the “Escuela de Circo Criollo.” She completed a rigorous three-year circus program and continued her training for an additional five years, focusing on refining her techniques in partner acrobatics, aerial acrobatics, handstands, and trapeze. During her time at the Escuela de Circo Criollo, she also shared her knowledge by teaching circus courses to children aged 5 to 12.

Complementing her circus arts training, Gaby pursued courses in physical fitness and acrobatics. She also undertook Petit volant courses at the “La Arena” circus school and further honed her skills in aerial fabric at the “Redes club de Circo” school.

While she trained in circus arts, she also trained as an actress at the “Escuela Nacional de Arte Dramático” and participated in various clowning, commedia dell’arte, and theater courses.

Gaby Corbo collaborated with numerous circus-theater and street theater companies, including “Circo Chico,” “CircoVachi,” “Circo Circacho,” and “Mujeres al borde.” Her performances with these companies took place in theaters, festivals, public squares, and she embarked on tours with both Argentine and Brazilian circuses.

In 2006, Gaby made her debut with her first solo street theater production, “Hands.” In the years that followed, she created additional captivating shows such as “Pretty Limó,” “Geppetta” (a medieval-themed show), “Sin dirección” (which earned her the FNAS Cantieri di strada competition award in the “Uanmenscio” category), and “Tan-Go.”

Over the years, Gaby Corbo has also perfected her skills as a handstands, partner acrobatics, trapeze, and aerial fabric instructor.

In addition to her artistic pursuits, Gaby Corbo is passionate about costume design. She serves as the costume designer for the Lannutti & Corbo Company, as well as for several national and international production companies.

After exploring the world, she made Italy her home. In 2011, she joined forces with comedian Domenico Lannutti to establish the “Lannutti & Corbo Company.” The company has been actively engaged in show production, boasting more than 2600 performances in Italy and across the globe. They also specialize in event planning and offer comprehensive training courses for artists, businesses, and universities.

  • 2022 Yoga to children – first level
  • 2017 A.S.C. National Diploma “1st Level Acrobatic Gymnastics Instructor”
  • 2016/18 Diatonic accordion. Instructor: David Sarnelli.
  • 2016/18 Training course for yoga teachers “Yoga Instructor Diploma”. Instructor: Igor Cerfolli. Italy
  • 2014/15 Actor training and script analysis. Instructor: Michael Margotta. Italy
  • 2014 Verticalism and biotransactional laboratory. Instructor: Daniele Sardella. Italy
  • 2014 Qi-Gong. Instructor: Stefano Saviotti. Bologna, Italy
  • 2011/12 Singing lessons. Instructor: Barbara Valentino. Bologna, Italy.
  • 2011 Comedy theater workshop. Instructor: Sandra Cavallini. Bologna, Italy.
  • 2011 Psych-K Basic Seminar. Montegrotto Terme, Italy.
  • 2010/11 Theater costume design. Bologna, Italy.
  • 2010 Acro-Yoga seminar. Bologna, Italy.
  • 2009/10 Comedy writing. Atelier Teatro Fisico di Philip Radice. Turin, Italy.
  • 2008/10 Theatrical improvisation. Atelier Teatro Fisico di Philip Radice. Turin, Italy.
  • 2008/10 Theater costume design. Istituto di Moda Mara Scalon. Turin, Italy. 
  • 2008/10 Physical Theatre. Atelier teatro Fisico di Philip Radice. Turin, Italy. 
  • 2008 Clown. Instructor: Jean Mening. Umbria, Italia.
  • 2008 Costume design for Opera. Teatro Colón. Buenos Aires.
  • 2007 Danza Jazz. Instructor: Matteo Corbetta. Danzarte. Brescia, Italy.
  • Handstands training. Instructor: Claude Victoria. France.
  • 2007. Clown. Instructor: Walter Velázquez. Buenos Aires.
  • 2004/06. Physical and acrobatics training. Instructor: Nicolás Piaggi. Buenos Aires.
  • 2002. Clothing design and patterns. C.E.T.I.C.
  • 2002. Acrobatics for actors. Instructor: Gustavo Bermúdez. Buenos Aires.
  • 2002. Aerial fabric Scuola di Circo Piccollino. Salvador Bahia, Brazil.
  • 2000. Commedia del´ Arte. Instructor: Claudio Gallardou. Buenos Aires.
  • 1999/2000. Clown. Instructor: Walter Velázquez. Buenos Aires.
  • 1999. First year of the acting degree at Escuela Nacional de Arte Dramático.
  • 1999/2003. Training and specialization in circus disciplines. Escuela de Circo Criollo. Buenos Aires.
  • 1996/98. Completed three-year degree in circus disciplines. Escuela de Circo Criollo. Buenos Aires. 
  • 1994/96. Acting. Instructor: Mario Marín. Buenos Aires.
  • 1994/95. Jazz dance. Instructor: Norma Furnelli. Buenos Aires.
  • 1991/95. Colegio Nazaret. Quilmes, Argentina. High school degree.
  • 1989/93. Gymnastics. Instructor: Enrique Alcalá. Buenos Aires.
  • 2023 Ciarlatanerie by and with Lannutti & Corbo company.
  • 2017/23 ZIRK Comedy by and with Lannutti & Corbo company.
  • 2013/23 ALL´INCIRCO Varietà by and with Lannutti & Corbo company.
  • 2016/20 Il Mago della Maiella e il giullare Bò by and with Lannutti & Corbo company.
  • 2011/20 Tan-Go by Lannutti & Corbo company, with Gaby Corbo.
  • 2014 Comic Circus Varietà by and with Lannutti & Corbo company and surprise guests.
  • 2012/17 Il Grande Piano by Manuel Benyacar, with Gaby Corbo and Leonardo Moreno.
  • 2010/16 Geppetta by Lannutti & Corbo company, with Gaby Corbo
  • 2010/13 Senza indirizzo by Piero Massimo Macchini and Gaby Corbo, with Gaby Corbo.
  • 2007/10 Pretty Limò by Walter Velázquez and Gaby Corbo, with Gaby Corbo. 
  • 2006 Mani by Walter Velázquez and Gaby Corbo, with Gaby Corbo.
  • 2004/05 …1%… Circo Circacho dby and with Circo Circacho company.
  • 2004 En 3 Tenidos by and with Circo Chico company.
  • 2002 Circ O Beso by and with Circo Chico company.
  • 2000 Otra Vez De Vuelta by and with Circo Chico company.
  • 1999 Enahumorados by and with Circo Chico company.
  • 1999 Lo Mejor Está Por Llegar by and with Circo Chico company.
  • 1998 El Conventillo De La Paloma by Alberto Vacarezza, with Circo Chico company.
  • 1998 Gratificaré A Quien Lo Devuelva by and with Circo Chico company.
  • 1997 Circo Chico by and with Circo Chico company.
  • 2010 Cantieri di strada Award, FNAS. With the show “Senza indirizzo”.
  • 2005 Critics’ Award for “Migliore spettacolo di teatro di strada” and Children’s award “Artista di Strada dell´Anno”. “Circo Circacho” show. X International Street Artists Festival “Strabilandia” Bellizzi, Italy.
  • 2004 Best show “Certamen Intergaláctico de calle”. “Circo Circacho” show. “Festiclown” Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
  • 1997 “Estrella Concert” Award, best street theater show. “Circo Chico” show. Carlos Paz, Córdoba, Argentina.
  • “Carlos” Award, best street theater show. “Circo Chico” show. Carlos Paz, Córdoba, Argentina.
  • 2023 Handstands classes. Molino Elletrico, Spoltore, Italy
  • 2021/22 Handstands classes. Officina Acrobatica, Bologna, Italy
  • 2015/20 Handstands classes. Associazione Acquablu. Bologna, Italy
  • 2013/20 Trapeze classes. CUS Bologna, Italy.
  • 2014 Aerial fabrics stage. Rubiera, Italy.
  • 2014 Handstands stage. UISP Modena, Italy.
  • 2012/14 Circus classes. Associazione Acquablu. Bologna, Italy.
  • 2011/14 Handstands and acrobatics duet. Associazione Acquablu. Bologna, Italy.
  • 2012 Circus classes for children. Campi estivi. Ass. Acquadella. Bologna, Italy.
  • 2012 Aerial fabrics stage. Danzarte. Brescia, Italy.
  • 2011 Circus classes for children. Campi estivi. Polisportiva Pontevecchio, Bologna, Italy.
  • 2011 Handstands and acrobatics duet. Partot. Bologna, Italy.
  • 2009 Circus classes for adults. Scuola di circo Flic. Turin, Italy.
  • 2008 Circus classes for children. Potenza e Venosa, Italy.
  • 2007/08 Circus training for children. Salou, Spain
  • 2007 Aerial fabric class for beginning and intermediate students at “Danzarte”. Brescia; Italy
  • 2007 Intensive handstands training in “Circo del Aire”, Buenos Aires.
  • 2005 Handstands classes. In “Redes club de Circo”, Buenos Aires 
  • 2002 Handstands and acrobatics duet seminar. In “Escuela de circo Criollo”, Buenos Aires
  • 2000/02 Circus classes for children. In “Escuela de circo Criollo”, Buenos Aires
  • 1999 Acrobatics and juggling classes, for the “Dirección de Coordinación y Juventud de la Municipalidad de Quilmes”, Quilmes, Argentina
  • 2006 CircoVachi. Disciplines: handstands, hand to hand, fabric, strong woman. San Bernardo, Argentina. Summer season.
  • 2003 Circo Arlequín. Disciplines: korean bar, handstands and flying trapeze duet. Tour of Argentina.
  • 2002 Le Cirque. Disciplines: flying trapeze duet and acrobatics duet. Tour of Brazil. September/December
  • Circo Atlas. Discipline: handstands. Winter season in La Boca, Buenos Aires.
  • 2001 Circo Rodas. Disciplines: handstands. Winter season in Buenos Aires.
  • Le Cirque. Discipline: trapeze duet. Montevideo. Uruguay.
  • Circovachi. Disciplines: trapeze duet and comedy acrobatics duet. Summer season. San Bernardo, Argentina.
  • 1999 Le Cirque. Discipline: comedy acrobatics duet. Buenos Aires.
  • 1997 Circo Chino. Discipline: trapeze duet. Quilmes, Argentina.
  • 2008 Actress in the advertisement “Promo-Tienes Talento”. Channel 4. Spain
  • 2004 Actress in TV commercial of Visa Credit Card.
  • 2001 Actress and acrobat in TV show “Libruras” Channel 7, Buenos Aires.
  • 2000/01 Actress in TV show “Todo por 2 pesos”. Channel 7, Buenos Aires.
  • 2000 Stunt woman for TV show “Calientes”. Channel 13, Buenos Aires.
  • 1999 Artist in TV commercial “El circo” Telecom, Argentina. 
  • 1999 Participation in the movie “El Amateur”. Premiered on April 22nd.
  • 2017 Zirk Comedy
  • 2015 Il Mago della Maiella e il Giullare Bò
  • 2013 All’ inCirco Varietà – Comikesk
  • 2010 Senza indirizzo – Abito al rovescio
  • 2009 BRAINSTORMING, teste nella tempesta – Pretty Limó
  • 2008 Giullarando
  • 2007 Mondo Fefè
  • 2006 Manos – Circovachi
  • 2005 Girostatus
  • 2004 Circo Circacho